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About Fifth Grade

  1. Background and Contact Information
    1. Email:
    2. Saint Madeleine Sophie School Phone: 518-355-3080
    3. Homeroom app: Photos- updates in the classroom
  1. Behavioral Expectations
    1. Class DOJO- rewards 
    2. Raffle Tickets
    3. Doorbell- signifies eyes on the teacher
    4. Class expectations 
    5. Be a Leader Not a Boss
    6. Folder with resources 
      1. Daily schedule 
      2. Resources for daily academic use
      3. Class jobs 
      4. DOJO rewards
      5. Article for the week
      6. Checklists when needed
    7. Growth Mindset
    8. Trait of the Month
    9. Independence
  1. Homework
    1. Daily/Weekly (except Friday’s unless stated otherwise)
      1. Math page
      2. Pages in ELA workbook
      3. Read story of the week on Tuesday’s 
    2. Read 20 minutes daily!
      1. Article should be read nightly ESPECIALLY if student is discussion leader
  1. Grading 
    1. Homework: Complete/Incomplete
    2. Class work/Writing Assignments
    3. Assessments from envision Math and My View and McGraw Hill graded accordingly 
  1. Google Classroom
    1. Daily Schedule 
    2. Zoom Link (JUST IN CASE)
    3. Resources to support what is being taught in the classroom
    4. Lessons specific to students needs

  1. ELA 
    1. Whole Group/Small Group learning
      1. Read aloud read on Tuesday, tested Wednesday morning
    2. Language and Conventions: Tested on Thursday
    3. Spelling Words given Monday, tested on Friday
      1. Practiced daily
    4. Vocabulary given Monday, tested on Fridays with Progress Check up
      1. Mondays and Tuesdays 
    5. Book Study
      1. Number the Stars
    6. Writers Workshop
      1. Personal Narrative: Working on our drafts
      2. Wednesday-Friday
    7. Article of the Week
      1. Discussion Fridays 
  1. Math
    1. Place Value
    2. Whole number addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    3. Decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    4.  Fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    5. Volume
    6. Represent and interpret data 
    7. Convert measurements
    8. Numerical expressions
    9. Analyze patterns and relationships
    10. Classify two-dimensional figures
  1. Social Studies/Science
    1. United States, Canada, Latin America
    2. Science:
      1. Mrs. Lambright 
  1. Religion
    1. Follow the textbook
    2. Bible stories 
    3. Holy Days
  1. Support
    1. Mrs. Alvord
      1. ELA Support
    2. Mrs. Ballmes
      1. STEM/Math Support
      1. School Counselor